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2024-02-27 14:04



"Consulting Sichuan Ocean Energy Project: How to Utilize Ocean Energy Resources to Achieve Economic Transformation and Upgrading in Chengdu City?"


The ocean energy industry involves multiple sectors such as equipment manufacturing, engineering construction, and operation and maintenance management, providing employment opportunities for related industries. Furthermore, the development of ocean energy can promote local economic growth, improve the energy structure, and reduce dependence on imported energy. However, the development and utilization of ocean energy also face challenges and limitations.

Uneven Distribution of Ocean Energy Resources:

Although ocean energy exists globally, the specifics regarding ocean energy and hydrological conditions vary by region. only regions with abundant ocean energy resources can achieve economically effective development and utilization, which limits the widespread adoption of ocean energy.

Low Technological Maturity of Ocean Energy:

Compared to mature renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy, the development and utilization technology of ocean energy are still in their infancy. Further research and development, technological improvements, cost reduction, and efficiency enhancement are needed to promote the development of the ocean energy industry.

Complexity of the Marine Environment:

The complexity of the marine environment poses difficulties in the development of ocean energy. Adverse marine conditions and unpredictable sea conditions increase the vulnerability of devices in the ocean, thereby raising the costs of construction and operation of ocean energy projects.

Future Trends in the Ocean Energy Industry:

1. Continuous Improvement of Ocean Energy Technology Efficiency:

With technological advancements, the extraction and utilization technology of ocean energy will become more economical and sustainable. Optimizing device design, improving materials, and reducing manufacturing costs can enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of ocean energy generation.

2. Diversification of Ocean Energy Utilization:

In addition to traditional tidal, wave, and ocean current power generation, ocean energy can be applied in other areas such as seawater desalination, ocean thermal regulation, and ocean energy storage. By combining ocean energy with other forms of energy, synergistic utilization and optimized allocation of energy can be achieved.

3. Strengthening International Cooperation and Policy Support:

Governments around the world have recognized the potential of ocean energy and have formulated corresponding policies and regulations to encourage its development. International organizations also promote the application and development of ocean energy globally through technology exchanges, financial support, and policy cooperation.


The development and utilization of ocean energy can play a significant role in the economic transformation and upgrading of Chengdu City. However, it is essential to address the challenges and limitations mentioned, such as the uneven distribution of ocean energy resources, technological maturity, and complexities of the marine environment. By continuously improving technology, diversifying utilization, and strengthening international cooperation and policy support, the ocean energy industry can contribute to sustainable economic growth and energy transitions in Chengdu City and beyond.


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